Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I LoVe YoU

I used to work at a daycare & took care of 8 little ones(6 weeks-1 yr) on a daily basis.
I loved those kids & put pictures of all of them & my team teacher in this frame.
Then I got married & had my own babies to put on my walls & this frame has been sitting in a box for over 5 years. I just realized that we have moved 3 times since then & I have never even taken it out of the 1st moving box!
It was TIME...

These kids are 5 years old! I'm SURE they would want me to move on...

So...I cut up some random scrapbook paper that I had...

And printed the words,
I Love You in white vinyl
now I have a new Valentine's Decoration!

My husband thinks it looks like it says, "I LoYo Veu" but I still like it:)


  1. men are silly. i think it looks GREAT!

  2. How perfect that there are enough holes for all the letters!!

    I agree, men are silly.

  3. Awww, what a great idea! You're right, the babies would want you to move on :) I looove this project!
