Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rainbows for KIDS

I haven't shared a KIDS CRAFT IDEA in awhile, so I thought I'd share the rainbow we made in preschool today to go along with our St. Patty's Day theme this week...

I just drew a rainbow on cardstock(I found some templates online, but the lines were too skinny to put fruit loops in...doesn't really matter if the lines are perfect, as they will be covered soon)

I had the children SORT all the different colors of fruit loops BEFORE we started(good activity for kids!)
Then I would draw a line of glue in the rainbow & give them a bowl of a specific colored fruit loops to lay across the entire line of glue.
*older kids could probably do their own glue

This child hasn't quite finished...but we did Green, Yellow, Red, Orange & Purple in our rainbows & then filled the clouds with BLUE

Fun & Easy activity to do with the kids!

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