Monday, April 5, 2010

Kitchen Cupboards

We had a few hiccups with our cupboards this weekend. We PLANNED to have all of the doors sprayed on Saturday & this week we would finish putting the hardware back on, putting on children locks & finish with any last minute touch ups.
Well, our sprayer decided not to we didn't get very far with the doors.
But we did finish painting all of the "framework" of the cupboards & we decided to go with WHITE! I think I'm going to love it...despite the fact that I think I used 5 coats of paint to get them to where I liked them!

Even though the sprayer ended up quitting after only a couple doors were sprayed, we did get them all sanded & cleaned hopefully we can tackle them this week after I borrow a better sprayer from my brother!

Wish us luck this week, hopefully we can finish up by this coming weekend!

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