Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lean Remodeler

Here is a BEFORE picture of our Family Room from the MLS listing. Not a big fan of all of the LARGE furniture, BUT they have managed to fit a LOT of stuff in this room & even have storage shelves on the sides of their TV...which we are currently lacking!

Now this is what our Family Room looks like. This is the center of our home, where all of the action happens. This is where we crash on the couch to watch movies, to blog on the laptop, to play with our kids, to eat our dinner while watching our favorite shows & I feel like this space is underutilized! We have a LARGE wall for our TV & a teeny tiny Entertainment Center. I think we bought it for $99 from Target with a giftcard we got as a Wedding Gift. I have tried to create a balance on the wall...spreading pictures out, but sometimes I think that it just looks like I gave my Entertainment Center Wings.One day I would like to incorporate a large wall unit with STORAGE for toys & movies!
Here is the BEFORE view standing in the family room looking into the kitchen...

Here is what we have done SO FAR...
better...but I would LOVE to create a more usable space with the small counter to the right & one day I will replace the cracked CERAMIC TILED countertops with something...ANYTHING that doesn't collect food in the grout & require hours of scrubbing!

For now...until our budget permits...I am working with what we have, but one day I would like to utilize the space a little bit better for command central in our home!

I'm crossing my fingers that I might win a chance to change this room into a more USABLE space! Details for contest found at The Lean Remodeler!


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