Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Plethora...

When I started this blog, it was for MY HUSBAND & I...
to track the work we are doing on

It is NOT to show off & I hope I don't give that impression.
It is simply so that we can look back and be proud of the progress we have made on our little to non-existent budget:)
Along the way, people started leaving comments & "following"
20 people are actually stopping to read what I DO TO MY HOUSE???
I didn't understand, but I welcomed each one of you!
Some of you I know...most of you I don't.

20 people may not seem like a lot to those of you with 1000 or 5000 readers, but it has been fun to meet new people!

Then...yesterday...I hit 100 followers!?!
I'm honestly flattered 100 people have even stopped by ONCE & welcome each one of you!

And in doing so, I am also welcoming my very 1st BLOG SPONSOR...

Have you checked out what they have to offer?
Because it is honestly EVERYTHING...a plethora of stuff...from Entertainment Centers, to beds, to TV Stands to Rugs to strollers to filing cabinets!

I love both of these looks for MY TV...

Check them won't be sorry!!!


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