Monday, April 12, 2010

Serenity Now

I thought I would join int he fun over at Serenity Now, where you can get to know a little more about the authors of the blogs you read!

Click on the button below for details & to enter your link today.

~How long have you been blogging?

I have been "mommy blogging" for 3 years. I started this creative blog at the end of last summer.

~Why did you start blogging?

My personal blog was started right after my 1st son's birth. I wanted a place to document his life and a place to put all of the pictures I took of him each day! I still continue blogging on that blog and use it as my "family journal".

I started this creative blog right before we bought the home we live in now. We knew it was going to be a LOT of work, as we bought a house that wasn't "our style" & we wanted to document all the work we did, so we could look back at all of our home transformations!

~Tell me about your blog's title. Why did you choose it?

At first I was going to go with a "Home Improvement" name, because it was mostly for our home projects, but I didn't want to limit myself to just drywall projects. I went on a youth retreat last summer & I kept adding "-ify" to random words, where it didn't belong. When I got home, I started telling my husband about all of the things I wanted to "Craftify" in the home we were buying. My husband told said, "That isn't even a word." So I made up a definition and claimed that it was indeed a word! :)

~What is your favorite thing about blogging?

For me, I love to look back on things I have done and have a place to "save" projects that I want to create in the future. I used to see something cute & a month later I couldn't remember where I saw it or what it even looked I can save it in my blog posts and get to it when I can! I LOVE being inspired by reading other blogs and I have learned a TON from tutorials. Every time I want to try something that I don't know how to do, I just google it until I find a blog tutorial on it!

~If you had to choose one famous person to become your blog's next devoted reader, who would you pick?

I don't really care how "famous" the person is that is reading my blog, I'm mostly just flattered that anyone stops to read it. I created this for me and my family to look back on, but I love meeting new friends in the blogging world and I love when my family and friends leave comments, so I know that they stopped by!

Now it is your turn!!! Take a few minutes to answer the questions on your blog & link back to the party at Serenity Now!


1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I had to close the party at 10 pm (ET), but thanks for visiting. Maybe you can link up to the next party and get some visits. :)
