Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank you!

I got an award from the IDEA CLOSET 
& another from VERONICA'S CORNER
& one from Life with the Lebeda's

I feel SO honored!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog,
I've met so many wonderful people through blogging & I look forward to meeting many more!
 ------------ share 10 things about myself & 5 things I don't like...

1. I have 2 adorable boys...3, if you count my husband ;)
2.I LOVE watching TV movies, even though every time I watch one, I wish I hadn't wasted my time watching it!
3. I could eat ice cream every single day...oh, how I wish it was healthy!
4. I have been stung by a scorpion over 10 times...the joys of living in AZ
5. I taught English in China for a semester during College & that is when I discovered my love for teaching
6. I currently teach preschool out of my home and I LOVE it!
7. My husband and I were in the same Kindergarten class...we've known each other for a LONG time!
8. I LOVE to play Volleyball any chance I get.
9. My favorite food is lasagna...I'll even eat it cold.
10. I love CREATING things & like to "knock off" expensive items & make them myself for much cheaper!

5 Things I DO NOT like:
1. When our couch pillows end up all over the ground!
2. Spaghetti
3. Gossip- If you can't say something nice...
4. Doing Laundry
5. Taking Cough Medicine...I literally GAG just thinking about the taste!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, being stung 10 times! I have been stung once while on vacation in Parker, Az. I was a kid and I will never forget it. We still go there all the time and with three little ones it makes me nervous that it can happen to them. But we are super cautious, no shoes on the ground, no luggage on the ground, check everything all the time before putting it on, and all wet things must be hung on the balcony rail to dry. My kids must think I am crazy but it helps.
