Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Dad's Day!

I knew when I fell in love with my husband that he would be a great husband, but he is also an INCREDIBLE DAD to our 2 BOYS!
Here is a last minute idea if you need something to do for your dad or husband..
it took about 20 minutes to do...15 of which were getting the boys white shirts on;) & I think it will look cute on his desk at work!

My friend Debbie did this & has 3 kids & she just did a shot of their feet & had each kid in a different type of shoes...
hiking boots, 
church shoes &
tennis shoes...and it is ADORABLE! 
Thanks for the poem Debbie!
Oh...and YES, it would look MUCH BETTER if I had a photographer do them, but the snapshot works ok, since it is just going on his desk at work:)


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