Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Polka Dots

Last week I made this clock for my friend Katie's baby shower...
I found a small lid...traced it with a pen for every hour mark & then painted each circle in with a small paintbrush, before roughin' it up a bit with sandpaper. 
I like how it turned out, but those circles took WAY TOO LONG!

I was at Walmart the next day (of course!) & saw these circle paint brushes!
I grabbed a package & decided to see how it worked...

It worked great!
and took about 30 seconds to do all 12, 
instead of the 30+ minutes it took me to do all 12 for my friend's clock!

If you have a project that needs some polka dots, I would definitely recommend those brushes! Now...if I could just get them to make them in more sizes, I would love to do some BIG circles on some of my clocks!

Want to order a CUSTOM clock? 
Email me at
More ideas available on my CLOCK BLOG



  1. I actually have a set of 3 of those sponges that are different sizes. If you can't find them, you could easily figure out the size you want and cut up a cheap sponge to keep reusing. Both clocks look great! I love the bead board.

  2. Love the polka Dots. You could do all sorts of fun projects with that round sponge brush. Cute pink and green - such great colors together.

  3. absolutely love this!

    am inviting you:
    1. to link the DIY tutorial up to:

    2. if you're interested to guest post another tutorial at FineCraftGuild (PR3-4), let us know. We'd love to have you!

    contact @

  4. Love the clocks they look great. I too have used those round sponge brushes for many projects. Another thing that you should look into are by Ranger, they are called Paint Dabbers. They are acrylic paints with a sponge top on it, all you do is shake it up and squeeze out the paint! They are wonderful and you have less mess to clean up. I have used them on wooden letters, scrapbooking and more.

  5. Polka Dots are a favorite of mine. LOVE this and I featured you in my Friday Favorites this week! :)

  6. Oh! I love this. So simple and so effective! Pretty pretty!

    Will feature it in my monthly Get Crafty, if that is ok? Posted on 1 July 2010.

    Here is last month's as a refence!


    contact me info(at) redtedart (dot) com if you have any queries!
