Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sew Dew It...Quiet Book

I just found this new blog, 
& she has got some serious talent!

One of my favorites is her QUIET BOOK, packed full of interactive pages...

I desperately NEED one of these to help my boys be quiet at church!!!

Stop by & say HI & check out more QUIET BOOK PAGES at her blog!!!
I have ALWAYS wanted to make one of these, but the detail scares me away. I think it would take me the rest of my life to finish one! But I'd be more than happy to pay someone else to make one for me!!!



  1. what a cute and creative little book!

  2. I always thought that I'd make one of those for my kids... and now that they're aged 6-15 I ask myself if it's worth it... maybe grandkids someday will appreciate one?

  3. not that I'm in a hurry for grandkids - YIKES! I just figure that gives me another ten years to procrastinate/forget about this project.

  4. Something that's not as intense are file folder games. Just google it and you will find tones of stuff. What you do is print the pages, color them, laminate them, and stick them in file folders. Then you get a file folder carrier and take them to church. A friend had one with about 20 or so games, and her kids, all special needs kids were occupied for sacmtg.

  5. Something that's not as intense are file folder games. Just google it and you will find tones of stuff. What you do is print the pages, color them, laminate them, and stick them in file folders. Then you get a file folder carrier and take them to church. A friend had one with about 20 or so games, and her kids, all special needs kids were occupied for sacmtg.

  6. I can't sew well enough to make a quiet book but I love them. I might need to buy one from someone!
