Thursday, July 29, 2010

Parents Master Suite

My parents went out of town for 10 days & we decided to do something fun for them while they were gone. 
They have put off finishing their Master Bedroom, always using that room as one where they could store random boxes,etc, because people would never see that room. ( I do the same thing!) They FINALLY bought bedroom furniture several years ago, but it was looking pretty yellow and dinged up & it was the last room in the house that still had popcorn ceilings and the walls had never been painted! 

They deserve a nice space & we decided to create it for them & went to work!

1st task:
remove EVERYTHING from the room. Hours of cleaning & packing & organizing a LOT of stuff...
 2nd task.
More cleaning & more furniture to remove (some of which won't be coming back...that cherry armoire didn't go in the room & was a little too bulky for that wall)...
 3rd task...remove outdated shelves & dust collecting knick knacks.
4th task...get rid of that POPCORN CEILING!

Tip if you plan to scrape your ceilings...
Most people tell you to spray it with water & then it will fall off as you scrape. That does work great, but it also takes away all of the texture, so you will have to patch several spots on the ceiling & often re-texture before you paint. BUT, if you just scrape it dry, then it leaves a texture on the ceiling and is more forgiving with any blemishes in the ceiling( will be MESSIER & DUSTIER this way, but easier in the end)

5th task:
Paint the now pretty ceilings with Flat White Ceiling Paint 

6th task:
  2 coats of a Martha Stewart Green in Eggshell sheen on the walls(I don't know the exact name of it, but I will find it) We knew we were going to replace baseboards, add crown moulding and frame the windows, so we didn't have to cut in, which made painting easier!

7th task:
Take all of bedroom furniture outside & paint beautiful WHITE in semi-gloss sheen...
(thank goodness my brother is a painter & took care of this task quickly with a sprayer!)

8th task:
Add beautiful crown moulding,
thick baseboards,
frame windows...
Thank goodness my brother has done this before & it looked beautiful when he was done!
9th Task:
Caulk ALL seams of ALL trim that we added to the room. This might seem unnecessary, but it really finishes it off & makes it look soooo good! Also putty in all nail holes & add a 2nd coat of white semi-gloss to all trim after you put it on the walls. 

10th Task:
move beautiful new looking furniture back into the room...
10th Task: 
Hang Curtains...
11th task: 
Have talented brother custom frame gorgeous picture to replace bulky armoire that was previously on this wall...
12th task...
DECORATE & create cleaner looking spaces & do NOT hang 80's flower swag back above bed;) Sorry mom!

Less is more...

I love the way all of the white trim & white furniture stands out now!
A beautiful space for the 2 people that deserve it more than anyone!
Other than the picture my brother framed, the curtains & 2 new throw pillows on the bed, we used all of my mom's previous decor, pulling a few things from other rooms in the house to complete the look. 
You don't have to spend a fortune to recreate a space that you love!

Now...I need to get to work on my OWN master bedroom...



  1. This turned out so beautiful!! love that bedspread too <3

    visiting from transformation thrusday, come by for a visit sometime :)


  2. I can't believe you did that for your parents! I would never be that nice! Good work. it is beautiful.

    I have become a follower, would love if you followed us too!

  3. OMG! You are my hero.
    You are so good!
    I'm a follower

  4. I love the room redo! Let us know how your parents like it!

  5. Oh Staci that looks AMAZING and your parents totally deserve it...(so funny cause just today I went to get the mail and a brown van drove by and totally reminded me of your parents van and you *missing you girls!*) but seriously wow! And doing it in 10 days...can't wait to see what you do to yours :)

  6. So that's what you've been up to on these hot summer days. What a beautiful space you created for them. I hope they will just love it. Love the furniture. Looks so good with a fresh coat of paint.

  7. Wow! I bet your parent's LOVED that when they came home! What a nice thing for you to do - and that room is WOWZA now! It's amazing what a little painting and decluttering (well, and adding a few architectural details, too!) can do to a space.

    Well done! It looks fantastic.

  8. Wow! I bet your parent's LOVED that when they came home! What a nice thing for you to do - and that room is WOWZA now! It's amazing what a little painting and decluttering (well, and adding a few architectural details, too!) can do to a space.

    Well done! It looks fantastic.

  9. SO beautiful - I'm counting how many years before my kids are old enough to do this for me...

    oh shoot - too many, guess I'd better get to work and get it done on my own :)

    you need to video their reaction and Vlog it :)

  10. Beautiful, I love the way the way pops! Very clean and restful. I am sure that they will love it.

  11. Wow! That is so much work you all did for your parents. That is so sweet. They must have been so surprised and grateful. It reminds me of an HGTV makeover. Except for that you are a much more inviting announcer. The ones on the shows are so annoying!

  12. BEAUTIFUL!!! It's amazing what some paint can do for a room! You guys did a great job! I am jealous, I want to remodel/re-decorate someone's house so bad!

  13. That is beautiful! I bet they were surprised!

  14. I wish we could convice my mom to ditch the 80s flower swags...blech! And you are toatlly right about the caulk on the crown molding. We have it, and the people that put it in did not do that, it looks horrible.

  15. wow stace. i'm impressed! when we buy a house (some day) will you help me decorate?? your family is full of talented people! NOT excluding your parents. they raised you all right. i love them!

  16. Wonderful transformation! Would you like to come help me with mine? La

  17. What a wonderful gift you've given your parents! Beautiful job!

  18. That is BRILLIANT! What great kids you guys are. Just popped in to have a look from Tranformation Thursday.

    Ky from

  19. Very beautiful redo...did your parents love it? I know I would!!

  20. WOW! Congrats on your new room!

  21. What a sweet idea for your parents!
    And its beautiful too!

  22. Wow, what great kids you are! It looks WONDERFUL. I love the look of crisp, white furniture! Beautiful! What did your parents think???

  23. Wow, it looks great! Did your parents love it? Visiting from The Shabby Chic Cottage.

  24. What a wonderful thing you all did for your parents. It looks so fresh and pretty!

  25. Now I wanna go re-do my moms master bedroom! You've got the wheels turning!
    The room looks great!
    I'm a new follower!

  26. Your parents now have a bedroom that looks like a luxurious resort! It's so serene and lovely. Your parents are blessed to have such wonderful children.

  27. awesome redo i wish i would do this for myself! just a suggestion on the scraping of the popcorn ceiling depending on what year it was done it could have asbestos in it and that is when/why they usually wet it down!
