Sunday, July 11, 2010

Puckered Pillows

My droopy, faded red living room pillows have needed some ummpf for awhile now, so I figured I would give her tutorial a shot...

It was SO EASY & honestly took about 10 minutes to do all 4 pillows & now I'm looking for other things around the house that could use a little "puckering' up!:)
Here are my droopy red pillows...

and they are after following Alicia's tutorial...

Need a closer look???

Thanks Alicia...
My pillows make me smile now!

Check out my sidebar for some of the fun parties I am linking to this week!



  1. Nice job! Those turned out great!

  2. They look awesome! You did great.

    P.S. I think I need your decorating skills to come help me at my house. You have as much stuff on that one wall as I have on most of my walls! And it looks so cute.

  3. Thanks Staci :) So easy and what a difference huh.

  4. Your pillows are cute but I really love your wall! It is darling! I need something like that in my house - so cute!

  5. SO pretty! I really love the way this looks! I don't have any pillows and I need some! This is a great idea! I think it's time for me to get into pillows, there are SO many great looks out there now! I just started a link party and I would LOVE it if you'd consider adding your crafts to it! I'm having flower headband giveaway as part of our first party too!
