Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thank You...and a winner!

 I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone for all of the inspiring posts that I have come across throughout the past year. I really don't know how I ever did a project before I discovered the world of Creative Blogs and all of the wonderful tutorials out there!

I have had so much fun doing this craft blog this past year & never expected anyone to stop and "follow" me, but I'm thrilled at all of the new people I have met throughout this year & wish I could personally meet all of you! In celebration of my 1 year blogiversary & to say THANK YOU to my followers, I have decided to randomly pick a follower to win a $50 gift certificate to spend however they would like at CSN Stores!

And the winner is #150...

Jennifer Juniper with Hope Studios

Thank you again to everyone, I wish I could give all of you $50...but I do have some more follower giveaways planned in the future, so stick around;)


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