Thursday, August 12, 2010


This summer has been FUN...
and LAZY.

It was my break from teaching preschool and I took that break seriously,
very seriously.

Like, I never did housework...unless it was absolutely necessary.
Which was usually a result from my husband having 1 clean clothing article in the entire house:)
After 3 months, our playroom, which is also my preschool room...
was in need of some help, before school starts back up!

So...we DUMPED 
threw away...
I found these bins after Christmas this past year on Clearance at Walmart
(they were "Christmas Light Tubs" & they fit PERFECTLY in my Ikea Expedit Bookcase)

At first I HATED that they were CLEAR...
you could SEE the mess!
But, I have grown to 
LOVE them!
Instead of dumping out every tub to find what they are looking for, 
my kids can just scan & find the 1 tub they want!
Perfect for kids!
I prefer to call it an "Organized Mess"



  1. GORGEOUS!!!! I am hoping to get my child care THAT organized this fall while I have no infants! :) weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    Oh & on the last question... YES PLEASE!!!!!!! :)

  2. I would love the supplies to make those to show up at my house!!!

  3. OH cute, cute! Where did you get your cubes from? I would love to put some of those in my kids playroom. thanks.

  4. Wow that must have been quite the project sorting, cleaning, etc. I love the labels too. Looks so much better and now it might be easier to keep things in the right bucket, a picture of what should go in the bucket might also help the little ones to know where to put things. So nice to get organized.

  5. Good for you for getting ready early! I am a high school teacher, and as much as I hate to admit that summer is almost over, I have to admit, it felt good to buy new office supplies at Staples yesterday! There's something comforting about the preparation process. :) Thanks for the chance to win the supplies for those adorable frames - I just love them! :) Take care!

  6. Yes, I would like those!!
    I bought some of those bins after Christmas last year and I love them!

  7. I LOVE it! The clear tubs are awesome! I want a shelving system like that for my fabric and scrapbooking supplies. And the way I look at it... the colors in the toys (fabric) bring color to the room. And I am an organized freak so of course LOVE your labeling too!

  8. I LOVE it! The clear tubs are awesome! I want a shelving system like that for my fabric and scrapbooking supplies. And the way I look at it... the colors in the toys (fabric) bring color to the room. And I am an organized freak so of course LOVE your labeling too!

  9. I have the smaller version of that shelf. I have been trying to find the perfect containers for my kids' toys. Where did you get yours? btw thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)
