Thursday, September 23, 2010


Last year at this time, when I was seeing a ton of Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving decor ideas, I was WISHING I had the time to make something for my home, but I was concentrating on MOVING! week marks a year of moving into our home!

Well...this year, I have decided I need to make TIME for some FUN Halloween Crafts & I have a few things to post about this week!

I was walking through my house the other day, seeing if I had anything on hand that I could turn into Halloween Decor & passed this planter thingy that I scored for FREE a few months back from a Home Decor Closeout. It has done nothing but take up space since & I briefly thought, I wonder if I could cut out the middle & somehow turn that middle part into a Witch's Hat???

To my surprise, it wasn't welded together, it was just sitting inside of it!!! And I plan to use the stand as a base for an end table & use one of my clock rounds as the table top.
 So, I took it outside for a quick coat of black spray paint
& then sanded it down a bit.
 Hot glued some black feathers on one side & took square pieces of crepe paper...

twisted the pieces of crepe paper around the end of a pen...
 and hot glued them around the brim of the "hat"...
to add a pop of COLOR!
 Simple, it only took about 20 minutes start to finish, but I love it because I haven't seen a ton of Witch Hat Decor 
AND...I used what I had on hand, so it didn't cost me a thing!
It is a couple feet tall, so I think it would be cute sitting on top of a pumpkin on my front porch...but I'm TRYING to hold out until Oct to put up my Halloween decor(we will see if I last)

Check out my sidebar to see the fun linky parties I am joining!



  1. OMG!!! That looks awesome! How creative are you!!?? Go girl!

  2. That is a perfect witch's hat! I love it!

  3. That hat is ADORABLE and I am SUPER jealous I didn't think of that first ;)

    Fabulous job Staci!!! Muah ah ha (that is my witch cackle!)

  4. I looked at your blouse you made from that dress. WOW. And the hat is too cleaver! Just found you on Boost my Blog Friday. Please come by and follow me back too.

  5. How cool is that!!! VERY CREATIVE! Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party.


    Punkin Seed Productions

  6. This is so fantastic, I love it! I am "The Halloween Queen" around my parts and I actually have many witch hats in my Halloween decor! I"d love for you to stop over and see what I have come up with. I even have an upside down Christmas tree that I decorate all year round.

    You were so creative in taking that and flipping it over, so impressed!

    Hope to see you soon! You got a new follower!


  7. Way to think outside the box! What a fantastic use of an already owned item. Love it. Thanks for linking up.

  8. That came out great! Love it! New follower!

  9. This turned out great. I'm going to featured this at Life As Lori. If you would to stop by and grab my I was featured button please do so!

  10. Too darn cute and chic. I'd be a witch if I could wear a hat like that!
