Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Peppermint Bark

I tried Peppermint Bark for my 1st time last week,
my aunt bought some for her daughter's birthday & I really don't know
HOW IN THE WORLD I have been missing out on this stuff!?!
She bought hers at Williams Sonoma &

I figured it was more than I wanted to pay, so I attempted to make some myself. I googled and found a million recipes & narrowed it down to the ones that sounded the best & the easiest.

This was my 1st attempt and it was actually really DELICIOUS.
 I took it to a Christmas party & it got eaten up quickly.

Here is what I did
(and what I will do differently next time)

I used milk chocolate chips & white chocolate almond bark, because it was what I had in my pantry.
The flavors were good, but the chocolate ended up way too thick, so next time I would spread it thinner!

Line a 9x 13 pan with parchment paper or tin foil-I also sprayed mine with Pam because I wanted it to come off easily.
Melt 2 cups semi sweet and/or milk chocolate chips and 1 tsp of Vegetable Oil together & spread into the bottom of your 9x13 pan.
Place in the freezer for 10 to 20 minutes until it has hardened.
While it hardened, I placed 6 candy canes in a ziplock bag and wacked it on my counter tops until I had little crushed up pieces of peppermint.
Melt 2 cups of white chocolate chips with 1 tsp of vegetable oil & then I took all of my teeny tiny & powder like pieces of peppermint & stirred them right into the white chocolate & then spread a thin layer of white chocolate on top of the milk chocolate.
Immediately after you spread the white chocolate on, sprinkle the remaining crushed peppermint pieces over white chocolate.
Place pan in freezer to harden & your peppermint pieces will harden right into your top layer of chocolate.

Take out of the freezer and break into uneven pieces & ENJOY!

**Most recipes I found said to heat over low heat on your stove, but I just stuck mine in a microwave safe bowl and stirred every 30 seconds until they were melted and it worked great & was EASY.

**A lot of the recipes suggested DARK CHOCOLATE as the bottom layer, but I didn't have any on hand, so I haven't tied that.

**Some recipes mentioned adding 1 tsp of peppermint extract to the white chocolate layer, which I think would be good as well, but again I didn't have it in my pantry:)

I think it looks really pretty & would be a perfect NEIGHBOR gift tied up in a plastic cellophane bag with a ribbon on it!



  1. I, too, made mine too thick. It was my first try making peppermint bark. I bought the mint extract and then couldn't find it. DUH. So I made it about the same way as you and YES, it's great. So much easier than the caramels we make. Those are a big big job. Of course, that's what everyone wants for Christmas. I'll be a follower of you... Linda

  2. Also, how do I get featured on your blog? Thanks, Linda

  3. Sounds delicious and simple! My type of recipe!!

  4. my daughter was wanting more of this (a neighbor delivered some) and I didn't realize how simple it was - and BONUS! I have all of the things in the pantry... well, not dark chocolate either... but the rest? check! thanks.
