Monday, March 28, 2011

BATHROOM progress...

My mom casually mentioned a couple weeks ago that she wanted to update one of her bathrooms & asked if I would take care of it;)

haha...little did she know I would start going to work while she was out of town & she wouldn't get to have an opinion on one thing! 

My brother Matt told me he was going to head over and start painting her bathrooms one morning & I told him to paint them white & also mentioned that I knew mom wanted a new countertop & that I thought the mirror was ugly...and I would be over to help soon.

By the time I got to my parent's home, my brother had already ripped the counter top off, the mirror off the wall & started painting the cabinets! Whew! 
That is my kind of worker!!!

Hence the lack of "ACTUAL BEFORE PHOTOS"
Boys just don't understand the importance of taking pictures of the process I guess;) Her old counter top had a little ledge that went all the way behind the toilet & the mirror went wall to wall.
You can see the walls were tan & the cupboards were wood finish....
(I had immediate plans to back that white shelf with some beadboard)
and there was no shower curtain in sight, just a white liner...
While my brother painted, I decided we were going to put up some Beadboard & ran to Lowe's & bought what we needed. Measuring 1st of course, so I could just ask the great guys at Lowe's to make all of the cuts for me for FREE!!!

When he ripped the mirror off, there were several "holes" left in the wall that would have needed some retexturing. The beadboard was a simple fix to cover all of the yuckiness & now we can frame a mirror and hang it directly on the beadboard...

I'm not revealing all of it YET...because it is not quite done, but we painted the remaining walls PINK !  

yep, PINK! 
I was not completely on board with the PINK, but my mom had mentioned how much she would LOVEEEE pink & my brother picked out the perfect pale pink & now I'm having fun looking around for cute SHAPPY CHIC PINK STUFF! Here is one picture of some of the progress made...
Can't wait until it is all done! I love how light the room is now!

Live in the Phoenix Valley? 
Need an AMAZING painter???
My brother does an incredible job...
If you are looking to have the EXTERIOR of your house painted
a piece of FURNITURE updated in your home
just need  new POP OF COLOR on your WALLS
have been wanting to paint those CABINETS but need a professional
. . .
then Brinton Painting is your answer!
Contact Matt at 480-215-5989


  1. LOVE IT!! I totally want to redecorate my mom's house for her (since I can't decorate my own the way I want - oh the joys of renting) so I might have to surprise her one of these days. :]

  2. Looking good!

    We have/had the counters across the backs of the toilet too!!

    Here's the bathroom that still has it currently :)

  3. So cute! Completely different than before. I can't wait to see all of it finished. Be careful, she just might have you work on the rest of the house with how amazing you guys are! :)

  4. Hey Staci...Thanks for the blog link!! That is awesome taking on your mom's bathroom. I am excited to see the progress. BTW...cute clocks. ~Jenny

  5. Staci, my cabinets are in desperate need of some help! Can you have him email his rates? Thanks much! *B

  6. That's a nice update to that bathroom. I have to admit, I've not been over to your mom's house for quite some time, but it really looks good. I just wish I could hire Matt. I would love him to come and paint my whole house, inside, outside, cabinets, all of it.
