Friday, June 10, 2011

Bedroom Lamp Redo

These 2 little ladies have been sitting on our nightstands for the past several years & it was time to give them a makeover...
They are BROWN & nothing in our bedroom is brown. 
I thought I was going to buy some new chunky blue or yellow lamps for our room...but lets me honest, 
these 2 lamps are for now, they are staying!
I snipped off the jewel thingy-s that hung down. Mostly so I didn't have to spray paint around them.
Then I chose a new color for my lamps...BLUE!
Gave them a quick coat...
and while they dried, I went inside to revamp the shades.
I was going to leave the shades, but remembered I had this pre-ruffled fabric in my stash & thought it might be cute on the shades...
and so I wrapped them, in no particular way, hot gluing along the way!
Put the lamps back together...
oh yah, I sanded down the bases first...
and then put them back in their places...
and they coordinate MUCH BETTER in our bedroom...
so I'm happy! :)


  1. Super cute - much better now. Love how the brown shows through after you sanded.

  2. Yah! A craft blog! Following you from Design it Chic. :) Would love to have you visit my crafty blog...I host a linky party each week & there is still time to enter. I'd love for you to link up. :) Have a great weekend.


  3. I love people like you who can re-create something. I have no talent. New follower from Boost My Blog. I hope you will follow me back I can be found in facebook too and twitter @DeniseLillaRose If you like/follow me there I will do the same for you. When you stop by my blog, please check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry).

  4. I love these! They are so adorable that I'm jealous. :) Repainting things and giving them new life is awesome. I recently did a similar thing with a bunch of picture frames and my white board, and painted them all purple, and matching. I'm glad yours turned out so well, you did a really good job!
