Thursday, June 16, 2011

Landee Do...Staci Copy

Go snatch this free printable over at Landee See, Landee Do.
It is an ADORABLE & EASY PEASY decoration!

I whipped mine out in about 10 minutes, including drying time on some frames I spray painted white.
(You might need more time if it isn't 105 degrees outside...)
and if you already have a frame, then it will take about 1 minute to push PRINT on your computer!

I've had these frames sitting in my closet since I think my wedding & it was time to put them to use...
a quick coat of white spray paint. I honestly think they were completely dry when I stopped spraying.
It is HOT today.
 While drying, I printed out Landee's free printable, I decided to do 2, since we are having a family auction next week at our Family Reunion & thought this would be a cute thing to donate!
 All done!!!
 THANKS Landee!!!


  1. so cute, i think i will!!!!!

  2. Oooh! Fun feature! Turned out so cute.... I love spray paint with all my heart. :)
