Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Baby Boy has arrived!

Our sweet baby boy is HERE & I can't get enough of him! We even chose a name finally...

Carden Robert arrived on July 3rd
And, YES...
we made it to my brother's wedding...barely.
He was 4 days old!
We are officially a family of 5 & who knows when I will have time to blog again??? ;)


  1. yay! congrats. his little tie onesie is adorable!

  2. oops, hit enter too soon... he is adorable and i cant believe you were at a wedding 4 days later!!! you are super woman!

  3. Congrads! I'm glad you made it to the wedding. I love the name Carden. I don't know any, but I love it!

  4. Congrats on your baby boy and wow, you're a rockstar to have made it to the wedding!

  5. Congrats. Adorable family!

    Ten years ago I did the same thing... I had my daughter and made it to a friends wedding 5 days later.

  6. He is so cute !! Congratulations:)

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have never met a Staci with an "i". Congrats on your adorable baby boy! i have three kids too. It is fun and super busy!

  8. What a fun time! Great picture too :)
