Sunday, August 7, 2011


I saw this CUTE idea on Pinterest to take a picture of your baby in the same outfit, over the course of his/her 1st year...
SO CUTE, right???

Well, I'm going to do it...but I want to see if I can do it each month and have a collage of 12 pictures at the end. Obviously the results aren't quite as dramatic in only a month, but I think it will be fun to watch him grow each month...
Speaking of baby is 1 month old!
I can't believe how quickly this month has flown by. 
He is such a sweetheart and we are so thankful to have him as part of our family.
Hopefully I can start finding time to blog/craftify again SOON!!!
I really am starting to miss it, my mind hasn't had a creative thought all month long;) 


  1. he is tooo cute!!! and i LOVE that idea!! wish i had seen it earlier

  2. We did the same type of thing, except with a medium sized stuffed toy. It's bigger than the baby at first, but then seems to shrink as the baby grows. Plus, if it's just a bear, you can take a picture every year on their birthday to continue to chart their growth.

  3. That's so cute! Such a great idea! Congrats on the baby by the way! So so cute!! PS...this blog is so incredible. I came accross it a long time and found it through someone's blog! I was shocked to find that it was my lovely cousin!! You're amazing!
