Monday, November 7, 2011

My Dad

My dad is the most remarkable man I know.
My mom is the most remarkable woman I know.
Together they make the perfect couple.
They have set the perfect example of how I want my marriage to be.
How to treat others.
How to live your life. 

My dad passed away unexpectedly on October 21st, 2011, 
a week after celebrating his 60th birthday.

It has been a hard couple of weeks.
I am comforted knowing that I will see him again someday. 
I'm grateful this life is not the end.
BUT it is still hard to live without him in the meantime:(
I love you dad!


  1. im so sorry to hear this, but it is such a comfort to know we can be with our loved ones again:)
    prayers to your sweet mother

  2. Staci,
    I was so sad to hear from Debbie about your dad! My heart goes out to you and your family. I agree, it is comforting to know we will see them again.

  3. I've been thinking about you a TON the oast couple weeks. I pray for comfort for you and your family. Giant hugs to you!

  4. Staci, Your Dad was and is an amazing man. You and your family are products and proof of that. I am so thankful to have known your family so long, and to have known your Dad. My heart continues to break when I think about what a great man our world has lost. Yet at the same time it is wonderful to have the gospel and know that he is now proving his greatness on the other side. We will see him again someday. Lots of hugs to you! I want you to know how much I care for each and everyone in your family. Hang in there!

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. I'm so sorry. Praying that you and your family find peace in the days ahead.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and all you family and friends. I am sure he is smiling down on all of you now.

  8. Aww...such a sweet picture. So sorry for the loss of your dad. I am thankful to still have both parents with me. I am reading Heaven is For Real by Todd amazing book. Good to hear you have the assurance you will see him again.
