Monday, December 5, 2011


My husband and I went to a Christmas party this past weekend, thrown by my wonderful bro-in-law & sis-in-law(wish I had pictures of it...because it was SOOOOOO CUTE! Every single detail was AMAZING, her house looked like a boutique and the food was delicious!)

We were supposed to bring some gifts for a white elephant gift exchange. 
We brought one cheesy "white elephant" gift & then I decided to make a quick Christmas decor for our other gift. This honestly took me 10 minutes to whip up & I thought it turned out cute!
{I almost kept it for myself}

I scored some FREE cupboard doors awhile back that sit in my shed, until they are needed:)
I pulled one out and gave it a quick coat of RED CRAFT PAINT.
After it dried, I applied the vinyl
(which I actually already had cut out about a year ago & just never did the project)
Then I lightly brushed on a WHITE coat of paint on the edge, letting the red still show through to look make it look a bit aged...
I grabbed a door knob that I had & screwed it into the hole that was already there & pulled an ornament off my tree that I got at the dollar store last year & hung it on the knob...

*I cut my vinyl with using Make the Cut software...which can be purchased on my sidebar


  1. That is adorable!! I love the vinyl ornaments!

  2. soooo cute. You are so good to use your doors. My pile just sits out in my garage. Love it.

  3. This is wonderful! Now if I only had a stash of cabinet doors!

  4. I hate you. You can turn anything into something AMAZING! So jealous

  5. How did I miss this post? The sign is simply beautiful- love love love that knob!! What a LUCKY receiver in the WE gift exchange ;)

