Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Lemonade Stand

My cute kids LOVE to have lemonade stands!! It inspired my mom to want to give each family a lemonade stand for Christmas this year! Well...she asked me to make them and this is what I came up with! The design was the hardest mom wanted them collapsible, but once I figured that out...I was able to get 6 made before Christmas(barely)...
Oh! The sign is also reversible with a chalkboard on the back(that my brother found at Home Depot and cut to fit-thank you!) so if the kiddos want to do a bake sale or something else...they can write anything they want on the back! I hope the kids have fun with them!

Plans for my collapsible lemonade stand can be purchased via paypal for only $25! Email me at and you can be on your way to building your very own!


  1. How cute is daughter would love that!

  2. I love this! Could you post more specific directions on how it comes together? I'd love to make one!
