Monday, March 29, 2010

In NEED of Curtains...

I've been thinking about what to do with the 3 big windows in our playroom, since we moved in.

First I was going to frame the windows with white wood & put white wood blinds in.
(Still my favorite option...but not in our budget right now)
So then I decided to find some cheap red curtains, to at least make them look better.

Right now when I look in there, I feel like all I see is the GRAY METAL BLINDS
& if you turn the fans on in that room, then they clang together & are so annoying.

I found these at IKEA & thought about getting them.
But they were $50 and since we have to cover 3 windows...that adds up quickly & I just wasn't willing to spend $150 on curtains.
Then I found these at IKEA for $20.

Spending $60 was much more reasonable & I figured since that room is Primary Colors, I could make them work. But I still loved the solid red more.So I went to Walmart.
I figured I could find solid red ones for $20...maybe even $15 if they were on Clearance.
I found some. They looked exactly like the IKEA ones & were $17.99 for 2 panels.
I still wondered if I could beat the $60 price tag somehow???

So I decided to just browse the fabrics real quick. I started at the Clearance Pile with $1.50/yard fabric. I RARELY find ANYTHING I like in this pile, but it surprises me every now & then.

This trip held one of those surprises. The perfect red. I quickly figured 1 1/2 yard panels...2 per window...
9 yards x 1.50 = 13.50

That I can do!

So yesterday I made some SUPER SIMPLE CURTAINS with my BEGINNING LEVEL SEWING SKILLS & I already love the difference they are making!

I'm still playing around with them & deciding if I should make ties for them or leave them straight. Any opinions??
We are also REMOVING the metal blinds & I know that it is going to really BRIGHTEN up this room!

Now, please excuse me.
I'm going to go & buy something fun with the money I saved!


  1. It looks awesome! I like it with and without ties, actually. :) It's nice to have the option, so maybe you should make ties just in case? it might look different once the metal blinds come down, too! Nice work on that thrifty score! :)

  2. Nice job! On the price and the curtains! I think the ties would look good. You could pull them into the window a little bit when they're tied (so it divides the window into 3rds) and that would look really cute.

  3. A perfect thrifty find with the fabric - they look great. Love the star and the little ladybirds on the wall - so cute!
    Curtains look great both ways. I tend to use really simple tie backs like ribbons, bandanas or scarfs or cute hair bands with flowers etc. Then when I get bored I cna change them easily!

  4. they are soo cute! I love them! I really like them with ties, but both ways are super cute. I LOVE THE RED! :)

  5. way to go! See, i would have NEVER thought to make them, me no likey sewing! Too bad, could save me some serious dough! Now you get to shop! YAY!

  6. Those look great! and such a steal on the fabric. Stop by my blog for a slipcover pattern giveaway.

  7. Cute curtains!! I like them either with the ties or like the one on the right.

  8. Great job on the curtains...and on the great fabric find @Wal Mart!!

    Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

  9. What a fantastic find- they look great in the room!

    Thank you for posting to Talented Tuesday!
