Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bring the Spring

I love to change the decor on my Entry Way Table, which FYI used to look like THIS,
but lately has been been looking like this...

and TODAY, looks like this...
(This transformation cost me $3 & something cents!)

Here is my big splurge this year. Found these glitter eggs on sticks at the Dollar Store, so I grabbed 2 packs of them(I think there were 6 in a pack?) ...
and a glass jar...also $1...
Stuck a styrofoam ball in the bottom & covered with some moss that I had...
And stuck the eggs right on in...I ended up sticking the jar inside of a yellow bucket I had & cut out a little egg in white vinyl to stick on the front...
Here is my big $3 splurge this year!
Then I pretty much roamed around my house & found anything that COULD BE Spring-ish...

Pulled these flowers from a bathroom(my mom gave me this several years ago)...

Potted right into a ceramic jar...that I MADE in Ceramics class back in highschool!
Won this cute pink frame at Bunko last month.
Thought it would go into storage until I have a girl ONE DAY.
Instead I pulled it out, stuck some green scrapbook paper inside & cut a flower in white vinyl on my cricut...

This bunny was an Easter gift from my mom a couple years ago...

Had this basket stashed in the craft room. Threw in some plastic eggs that I had in the same stash...

When my grandma passed away in February, this white ceramic pot was one of the things I grabbed from the "anyone can have this" pile...

Turned a tin bucket upside down & turned it into a "candlestick"
Stuck another white vinyl flower on the outside...

These frames were both gifts. The blue one was gifted to me at my baby shower & the white one was a wedding gift. Neither were currently being used, so I threw in some scrapbook paper & cute out Happy Easter...

I remember getting this teapot as a little girl.
I love to pull it out every Easter...
Oh & I made the SPRING blocks last week with some friends!

Brightening up your home this SPRING can be easy & CHEAP! Just use what you have around your house & have fun with it!!!

I'm joining in the parties over at A Soft Place to Land, Today's Creative Blog & Embellished Bayou...



  1. How cute and springy! Love those glitter eggs. Looks great.

  2. I love it! I think you need to come help decorate my house, and maybe bring your cricut for some vinyl sayings on my empty walls. :)

    Also, I finished my quilt. You can see some pictures of it at gratefulforblessings.blogspot.com

  3. It looks fabulous! Don't you love it when you can "shop" in your own home? Thanks for linking up to the party!

  4. What a happy and cheerful arrangement! And I love that you still have the pot you made in highschool!
