Thursday, April 15, 2010

White & Bright Kitchen

Well...when I decided to paint our kitchen cabinets, I honestly thought...
a day
of painting the framework
a day
of spraying the doors
& we will be done!

I started April 1st and actually got quite a bit accomplished the 1st two days.

I had big plans to FINISH everything that same week.

Our sprayed didn't work that Saturday, so we went over a week with our kitchen looking like this...

This project was much bigger than I had planned out in my head.

That usually happens to me.

A week later, we borrowed my brother's sprayer & my husband sprayed the doors, while I ran to get new hardware. Guess what...I couldn't find a match :(
After 3 strikes, I sucked it up, because I was tired of seeing the messy contents in my cupboards & we used our old hardware & hung the doors.

We were a little worried about it being TOO MUCH WHITE, since our appliances are white as well...

but I love it.

It feels so nice and open!

We are not DONE yet...but much closer!

I still want to do some touch up, attach handles to the doors, fix an open space under our oven & eventually counter tops!!!

But for now, I will stick in my budget & work on getting the paper blinds out of the windows & hanging some pretty window treatments!

Have you entered my clock giveaway yet???
It ends Friday!
I would LOVE for you to blog about it to help spread the word!



  1. Looks great! There is never such a thing as too much white in a kitchen!

  2. It's looking good! Your hard work is paying off.

  3. WOW! It looks so good! That is a HUGE project, way to go! I know all about those projects that turn out bigger than you, like everything I do!

  4. I know the feeling of being more work than I expected. It looks great though! (Now you have an excuse to get some black appliances or something to serve as accent pieces to break up the white - but it still looks good even with the white.)

  5. I love is so nice and open!

  6. I love your Kitchen, we just did ours as well, what a job! I hopped over from The Two Savvy Sisters Blog and am so happy that I did. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment. I have become a follower and I hope you’ll do the same.

  7. It looks amazing! Your kitchen looks enormous. I definitely think you made the right decision.

  8. I love bright kitchens - you are lucky to have so much natural light coming in from those windows. The white sure makes your kitchen look bigger. I've painted an entire kitchen in our last home and it is a ton of work so I completely understand this must have been a huge task. Congrats on finishing - it looks fabulous!

  9. I'm lovin' the WHITE...My projects always take longer too! I'm going by to enter your GIVEAWAY:)


    I’m having a GIVEAWAY…come by and check it out…I think you will like it!

  10. I love white so I definitely love your kitchen. I am sure it seems a lot brighter in there as well. I really don't like working in a dark kitchen and always seem to have lights on in that room. Great job and thanks for linking to the blog hop!

  11. Gorgeous! I love the white kitchen. We are going to paint ours... one day. I am holding off for a while because we need new appliances.

  12. Wow what a difference. I love the "clean" look of white. Beautiful!

  13. Staci, I love it! It looks so awesome! And I love how open & airy it looks! Love the white!

    And... it took me 9 months to finish my kitchen, so I'd say you are stinkin' way fast at projects! Haha!

  14. I just painted my kitchen cabinets, too. It WAS a lot of work - and took a couple weekends, but I love it, too.

    Way to go!

  15. This is a beautiful transformation. It makes one feel a spirit of freedom and airyness with the new color!!

    nannykim from

    (sorry I have too many blogs!)

  16. I love white cabinets and kitchens. We have a "warm oak" colored scheme. It's not bad, but not my favorite. I'd love to be able to do this to my kitchen. Heck, I'd love it if Matt could come and paint all of my rooms white....anyway....

  17. I LOVE LOVE it!!! We did the exact same thing to our kitchen about 2 years ago, and I still am SO HAPPY we painted the medium oak cabinets white. However, I am just like you in that I think something will be a quick project-and it NEVER is!!

    Oh, and we're still waiting on our new countertops, too! 2 years later... Well, I guess it's technically not really waiting, when you haven't picked out or ordered them!

    Found your blog from TidyMom's...Can't wait to peek around your blog some more!

  18. Oooh, so much better. I cannot wait to paint my kitchen cabinets white.

  19. Your kitchen looks STUNNING! So bright and airy. I love it!!!

    I do have a question for you,... I noticed that you also painted the molding around the window white. Did you sand and prime them before applying the paint?

    Same question about the cabinets, did you sand and prime them first?

    Just asking because I have been dying to paint ours, but have not yet felt brave enough to tackle them.

    Thank you SO much!
