Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Makes You Feel Beautiful?

Taking a break from my normal "Craftifying" & joining in on this virtual slumber party!

Stop & post about what makes YOU feel will be good for you...I promise.

Pinky promise.

Beth, over at Stories from A to Z is hosting this "virtual slumber party" & this weekend she is giving us the opportunity to share WHAT MAKES US FEEL BEAUTIFUL!


For me...I'm not the girl who has ever really been comfortable with her physical beauty. I've been overweight since...oh...since I can remember and I think society places a strong link between physical beauty and your waistline.

So for me...I have made myself find ways to FEEL beautiful, despite what a glamour magazine might say about the size of my thighs or this dimples in my cheeks(I wish I was talking about on my face!)

The 1st way is EASY. My FAMILY makes me feel beautiful.

Like the kind of beautiful you can't find anywhere else.

My family makes me feel beautiful...every single day. The kind of beautiful that doesn't come from having my hair done or make-up on. The kind of beautiful that can be felt despite the fact that I am still in my pj's 8 hours after I wake up. The kind of beautiful that can be felt through all of the crumbs and toys scattered throughout my house. These boys outnumber me 3 to 1, but when they look at me...they light up...
and that
is what makes ME feel beautiful.

The 2nd thing that makes me feel beautiful is when I make something else beautiful!

Whether it is painting a room or making window treatments for a bare window or turning a lampshade headed to the garbage, into a fruit bowl for the top of my fridge...I LOVE to make things beautiful. When I create, I feel beautiful. I like to do thing's gives me a rush. Although there are MANY times where I think it would be a lot easier to just pay someone to do it or go buy something that is already the way I like it, like a lot of the world does...I feel SO GOOD when I accomplish a project myself and that is why I have this blog. To keep track of those things that make me feel good...those things that make me feel...

And last but not least...when I'm not feeling so beautiful, a good pedicure always does the trick! ;)

Thanks Beth! That was it is your turn to link up at her party HERE!

Along with this fun slumber party, Beth is hosting my current LARGE CLOCK giveaway--enter now if you haven't! It ends Friday!



  1. Yay! I'm so glad you linked up to my very intimate party this time around. (I think this one scared people off. It's harder to talk about what makes you feel beautiful.) That picture of your family is just too precious and I love your sentiments. Thanks for joining girl.

  2. Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog!! I returned the favor and can't wait to browse around your blog!!

  3. Staci, you are beautiful inside and out! that was fun, and I feel like I know you even better now! I'll have to figure out if I'm brave enough to join in!
