Friday, April 16, 2010

Making Our House a Home

We have officially been in our home for 6 months.

My husband and I often talk about WHY IN THE WORLD WE LIKED THIS HOME?
We looked at a million homes...well it felt like that many & out of all of the homes, we fell in LOVE with this home...

It wasn't much to look at.

In fact, our families looked at us like we were CRAZY when we gave them the "tour".
Some even tried to talk us out of it.
But, from the first time we stepped foot in to this house...ok, SECOND actually...

(The 1st time, 2 big dogs started growling at us & we stepped right back outside and decided we didn't care to see the home that badly)

..from the SECOND time we stepped foot into this house(this time...a couple of months later, now vacant and dog-less) we saw past the "DECOR" & we saw the POTENTIAL!

It had EVERY SINGLE ITEM we wanted in our home.

We knew we could update it over time, but the elements we loved were there.

We put in an offer the next day.

Things didn't exactly go as planned. In fact, we put in that offer in MAY & we didn't CLOSE until SEPTEMBER. Not your regular "30 day closing period". But we were patient & we prayed & we waited & we hoped & we packed & we unpacked & we waited some more...and we EVENTUALLY got OUR HOUSE!

We still have a LOT to do in our home, but we have also come a LONG way in the past 6 months!

Over the next week, I am going to show some BEFORE & AFTERS of the progress we have made to

For our 1st Before & After....a glimpse at our Front Room/Living Room.

BEFORE (from MLS listing of our house)

and TODAY...with the Arizona sun streaming in the windows:)

Join in & post about how you have made your house a home on your blog! Let me know if you do, I'd love to take a look!



  1. Ooh, I love the after picture! I can't wait to see the rest. I can't really participate since I'm a lovely renter, and would LOVE to paint...but can't! :)

  2. You guys have done SO MUCH's hard to believe they are the same house! Way to see the potential!

  3. This is awesome! I would keep the "after" shot! hahaha

  4. This is awesome! I would keep the "after" shot! hahaha

  5. WOW! Love the after. Great that you saw what you loved and the potential in it.

  6. I love your entryway. So much lighter, cleaner, brighter and happier! Good for you for seeing into a home's potential and making it your own. I look forward to the upcoming reveals!! (Also, your clock is up in all it's glory. Come see when you get the chance!)

  7. Love the transformation! Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you get to make some bandanna skirts soon!

  8. oh my gosh! That's an incredible change! It looks positively lovely!
