Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wooden Watermelons

I went over to my sister-in-law, Julie's house last week
& walked up to her front door & saw this...

The cutest SUMMER WATERMELON I have ever seen-complete with black glittered seeds on a beadboard melon!

Of course, I said, "DID YOU MAKE THAT!?!"

And of course her reply was, "Yes"
-she is super-uper talented!

Then I step inside & up on her fireplace mantle is I see this...
& I probably drooled a little bit ;)

She bought the kits when she was on vacation in Utah last month at The Wood Connection. 
I browsed their website & unfortunately they don't sell either of these cute sets on their website, but they do sell a limited selection of unfinished products. Oh man, I need to take a trip to Utah, just to stop by this store!

POST EDIT: THANK YOU AMBER for correcting me! You CAN buy these online!
Go HERE to check out the Watermelon Hanger
& HERE for the SUMMER blocks
Yay!!! I'm so glad that I CAN order them!

Have a craft or project that you would like to share??? I'd LOVE to post about it here! You don't even need a blog to share what you have created! Email me your pictures at



  1. Staci, I just got on their website and found both of these..the summer blocks were a tiny bit different, but the watermelon was ther...and same. in the crafts section. Skip the slide show and view all photos! And, if you come to Utah...just sayin...or maybe your friend in Utah could venture on down to the store for ya...just sayin that too!

  2. nevermind...summer blocks were there too. Same ones!

  3. Yes, very cute! Julie is good! I want one too!

  4. I think this is adorable! I featured it at!

  5. Love this.. I have seen lots of watermelons but this one is so adorable!! And those blocks are stinkin cute!!!
