Friday, June 4, 2010


Post Edit:
my sister informed me tonight that you can buy these hanger things brand new at Ikea for .99cents! Thanks Kylie!

I walked in our closet today & saw this...
and decided it was time to clear out some room for more clothes & put my husband's ties elsewhere, like on the blank side of the shelf, next to where they are currently hanging...

I ran and grabbed a "Coffee Mug Rack" that I had spray painted black, back when I made my Jewelry Hanger & hung it vertically..
and then hung up all of his ties...

And now he can easily find a tie every morning for work AND it cleared up room in our closet!

I'd love to see what YOU make from one of these...



  1. Great idea! Ties are such a pain to organize. Thanks for sharing. Lisa~

  2. Staci... I'm going to make you jealous... I'm headed down to Salt Lake tomorrow and one of our stops is The Wood Connection! I'm so excited... now I just need to find the time to paint all of the cute projects I have been buying. Have a wonderful weekend! Vicki
