Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blogiversary...and A THANK YOU!

July marks the 1 year anniversary of my blog!

I can't believe it! I started this blog when we purchased our home last year, to show all of the projects that we were working on, including removing wallpaper & lots & lots of PAINTING! Over the past year, I've added in several crafts that I have made, including my custom clocks and even a few jewelry ideas, including the Rosette Ric Rac Necklace and the Clam's Nest Necklace.  I've had fun with some furniture of my favorites is still our Roll Top Desk that we painted!  After purchasing our home & dealing with closing costs, buying new carpet & painting every inch of the home...inside & out...along with a million other necessary repairs, I knew that I was going to have to find INEXPENSIVE ways to DECORATE our new (to us) home! From making my own decorative balls, to sewing curtains from $1/yard fabric, I have found several ways to make it work for LESS!
One of our favorite parts of our home, was that I would have the room to teach PRESCHOOL out of our home! Teaching preschool made it easy to add some SIMPLE & FUN  kids crafts to the blog! I wanted you to be able to make Yarn Spiders with your kids, or adorable little Jingle Bell Picnic Ants after eating a fun & delicious Lady Bug Apple Snack!

Even though I started this blog for I could look back and see the projects I have created & "bookmark" the things I WANT to create in the future, I HOPE that I have given you at least ONE NEW IDEA that makes you think, "I could make that!" It has been so fun meeting new people through my corner of the blog world & I am FLATTERED that I have people that are interested in seeing what I create!

To show THANKS to my amazing followers, I will be doing a GIVEAWAY at the end of this month...July 26th...on my "blogiversary". won't need to even leave a comment to enter, I'm just going to randomly choose one of my WONDERFUL followers to say THANK YOU!!!

(I'll post WHAT you will in this THANK YOU GIVEAWAY in the next couple of weeks!)


During the rest of the month of JULY, I will be re-posting some of my FAVORITE projects that I have finished over the past year & will also be sharing some of my FAVORITE blogs that I have discovered over the past year! Should be a FUN month!!!

And if you'd like to add my button to your sidebar & flatter me further:)
Copy the link below! THANKS!



  1. I still need to make those jingle bell ants!!! yay for blogiversary fun :)

  2. How exciting! I love reading your blog. You are so talented.

  3. I have only recently started following your blog, but I am excited to kick off year number two with you!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy your blog so much!

  5. Thanks for stopping by! so impressed that you find time for the gym! Smiles!

  6. Staci, you are super cute! It's a shame you moved before we got to know each other... your blog is one of the many I visit to get inspired! *B
