Friday, July 23, 2010

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

1st of all, I want to say THANK YOU for all of the sweet comments on my last post.
This week has been extremely difficult, but the graveside service this morning was very nice...followed by a delicious luncheon. I pray that Craig and Heidi will be able to find peace, as they are enduring this very difficult trial. 

I just wanted to quickly do a little feature on a non-profit organization called
They are volunteer photographers that come and take pictures of babies that are taken from this earth & I was so grateful to the woman who came to the hospital, within an hour of delivery and took beautiful pictures of my sweet nephew. Not only did she give of her time and talent, but she rushed to have the prints ready in TWO DAYS so that we could make prints for the viewing/graveside service. I think those pictures will be a treasured memory for Craig and Heidi and their children & I think that this organization is INCREDIBLE.

I hope that none of you ever have to experience a loss like this, but if you know someone that does...please keep this organization in mind, in an effort to help the family heal and to allow them to have beautiful pictures of their sweet child.



  1. I am sorry for your family's loss as well as yours...I used to work in the newborn intensive care and we kept a 35mm camera for situations when a baby died. We would take rolls of film to provide to the parents for future viewing. This organization you speak of makes it all easier for the family. Sounds like an organization with a heart and soul!

  2. The loss of a child at any stage/age is tragic. How lucky we are to know that families are forever! May God be with you and your family during this time. He heals all wounds :)
