Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I don't really feel like blogging, due to a difficult trial that has been presented to our family.

My husband's brother Craig & his wife Heidi delivered a beautiful baby boy on Sunday night(39 weeks pregnant)...knowing that they would never see him take a breath. What a heartbreaking day it was. I can't even imagine what the parents are going through right now. I so badly wish I could take their pain away.

Please go give your children a kiss.
You never know what trial will be thrown your way.

I'm so grateful for the knowledge that this life is not the end.
Families Are Forever!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it was a year ago my nephew was born. I never got to meet him in life... thank goodness for that knowledge of eternal families - it keeps us all going.

    hugs to you - take all the time you need.

  3. We are so sorry for your families lose. We know that the Lord will always bless and help each of his children through each trial. The law of compensation is real. Stay faithful and strong in your testimonies. Death is a strong reminder of what is truly important in this fragile life. Thank you for all your time and sharing of your talents. We will miss your posts, but our prayers will be with each of you.

  4. Staci, I'm so sorry to hear this! I hope things get better each day! you said it perfectly...Families are Forever!

  5. This same thing just happened to my sister. So heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your families loss and grateful for your testimony and knowledge of Forever Families. {{hug}}

  6. I'm so sorry to hear this. I cannot begin to imagine what all of your families must be going through. Hugs to you.

  7. I am very sorry to hear this! I pray your family will find peace at this time!

  8. I am so very sorry. I will pray for your sister and you, your family, that you all find strength to get through this. My thoughts are with you all.

  9. That's horrible, please send our condolences to Craig and Heidi. I can't imagine what they are going through, but hope they will receive the comfort and peace that they need!

  10. Oh, Staci! I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you & the entire family. Sending my love & prayers!!

  11. I am so sorry! My hearts aches for them! Two and a half years ago, my husband and I sent our sleeping baby boy back to his heavenly father. I am all to familiar with the pain they are going through. Give them a big hug for me. . . and take comfort in knowing that you'll all see him again, whole and well, before you know it. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
