Thursday, January 6, 2011

Inspiring with Bead Board

I LOVE to blog, because I find SO MANY INSPIRING people out there with CREATIVE ideas that they are willing to share, and then I get to turn around and COPY THEM;) 

Well, it was such a FUN SURPRISE to learn that after I posted about making these "Beadboard Key Racks"...
a few readers decided to make some of their own!
Check out Carrie's she made for her daughter's room. I LOVE the knobs she added to hers!
Check out her post at My Creative Escape's!

and a reader named Kellie made these ADORABLE ones & emailed me the pictures...
Cheers to an inspiring 2011 for everyone!

Be inspired...
or inspire someone else!

But let's all KNOCK OFF those expensive ideas floating around everywhere & MAKE THEM BY OURSELVES:) 
Now get Craftifying!



craftykat said...

I have SO wanted to try my hand at one of these. I think I need to actually make a list of projects I want to try- I've saved pictures of yours already, now to just get some bead board! Thanks for your inspiration!

The Atomic Mom said...

Those are very cute Staci.

The Atomic Mom said...

So where do you get beadbord?

Staci at Craftify It ! said...

Home Depot...which prob means a trip to Santa Fe for you Joyce;) You buy it in BIG SHEETS, but they will cut it down to your exact measurements for free if you ask them to.