Friday, April 30, 2010


My mom was throwing away a beat up step stool & I of course snagged it up. You know what they say, 
"One mom's trash is another daughter's treasure..."
Then again...maybe I should have let this go to the trash can???
Too late...instead & grabbed the sander & went to work...
I didn't get it perfect, but I think the rough corners give it character.

I planned to paint it white, but at the last second snagged a can of Sparkling Spring BLUE from the shed. The same color I used to make this clock(that hangs in the same bathroom that this stepstool will be used in)

And then I asked my boys to assist me & I dipped their feet in White Paint. 
They looked at me with a look of...
You are going to get in trouble for painting on our feet!!!

And now we have a little personalized step stool in our bathroom...
which Parker actually LOVES to stand on while brushing his teeth! He makes sure he steps on the "BIG" footprints & NOT the LITTLE ones(even though they are almost the same size) He knows which footsies are HIS! ;)

Linking up at Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday 
& Feature Yourself Friday at Fingerprint's on the Fridge



jennwa said...

I love the step stool. It is adorable.

Kendra said...

So cute! You should put their names and the date on there too. (You could put it underneath so it doesn't show on top.) Parker is too cute!

Kimmy said...

What a cute idea to put their feet on the stool!! That's so precious! Thanks for sharing :)

KJ said...

I've been wanting to decorate our step stool...who would've thought, feet!!! Love it.

TheCraftInMe said...

Very cute, and it's a special way to remember how much your child has grown!

FrouFrouBritches said...

I would've snagged it too. So cute! I love the footprints!

Anonymous said...

you really are the most creative human i know. so cute.

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Super cute! I love the footprints {so precious} Would love to have you stop by The Sunday Showcase Party if you get a chance! I would have rescued this too! Looks fabulous!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and joining the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it. I just love the little feet! Hope you have a wonderful week. Hope to see you again next Sunday! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Becca's Dirt said...

Very creative. I love it and can see why the children love it too.

Beth said...

Such a cute idea! Love it and their little feet!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

That is a very sweet stool and I absolutely love the foot print idea. It becomes a "bench mark" for their growth as well as a functional piece.

Katie @ Team Skelley said...

Very cute! My kids would love the footprint idea. I have been working on painting a Pottery Barn Kids step stool and it has been a disaster. I might have to try the footprint idea. :D

New Follower from The Sunday Showcase. :) Katie