Friday, October 29, 2010


My cousin AND one of my very BESTEST friends is getting married next month!
We ran off to China together and taught English for a semester & LOVED every second of that experience & then almost a year later, we roomed together at college. We are 3 months apart, so we went through school together, even though we went to rival schools & played against each other in Basketball and Volleyball:) She is the happiest girl in the world and I love her so much! I'm so glad these 2 found each other, they are PERFECT together!

Last night was her Bridal Shower & I really wanted to make her a CLOCK, so I asked for any colors she might prefer. She said she would love ANYTHING, but LOVES ALL WHITE...
How to make an ALL WHITE CLOCK??
I immediately thought of this one, that I made a few months back...

BUT...the tins I have are 12" and I wanted to make her a 
BIG CLOCK I went to my garage & rummaged around. I knew I needed TEXTURE if I was going to attempt an ALL WHITE clock, so when I saw a piece of bead board that was 
2ft x 2 ft, 
I knew it would be perfect!

Then I saw a long piece of trim laying on the ground(my baseboards for my Master Bedroom Redo & wondered if I could make a "FRAME" for my clock??? I can get another piece of trim for my baseboards later, right;)

I broke out the Miter Saw & cut 45 degree angles on each piece of wood & guess what?! It worked!
Kind of. 
It is NOT professional, but for my 1st attempt at a frame, I thought it wasn't terrible;)

I decided on some BEIGE dots for the numbers so that the overall appearance was still "ALL WHITE", but the clock would actually tell time;)
I roughed up the Bead board a bit & gave it BARELY enough time to dry, before heading off to the shower!:)

Holly, I hope you and Tyson have the 
TIME of your lives together!!!



Heidi said...

Cute clock! Seems like a pretty easy project, thanks!
Hugs, Heidi

Lauren @ 31diy said...

Wow, that's so pretty! I'm sure she will love it! I do. I want that in my house :)

Kristin @ Yellow Bliss Road said...

That's awesome! I love the beadboard and the frame.

Jen M said...

new follower via Boost My Blog Friday :)

Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

Wow, I love both of those!!!

I'd scoop 'em up in a heartbeat if I could... :)

becky said...

Your clocks are sooooo cute! I don't know which like better! She will absolutely love it!

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Oh, very nice! Subtle and stylish and clever. Good job!

Unknown said...

nicely done. looks great :)

Carrie Brown said...

It was even cuter in person:) When I saw the clock at her shower, I thought you probably made it, but it looked store bought. You are amazing. Um, I have a proposition for you I want to talk to you about involves you decorating my house :)Seriously!

Hanna said...

HI there! I am your newest follower from the weekend blog hop!! I love finding new blogs and your is lovely:) You can find me at

Take a *peek* at my giveaways if you stop by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!!

Terra said...

I am a big fan of bead board on walls, and it looks great as a clock too.

Kylie said...

It turned out so cute! By the way I have a bunch of 24 inch tins if you need one for a big clock in the future!

Kristi @ Lolly Jane said...

turned out great stace!! looks totally professional, too ;)

congrats to your cousin!

Holly Lefevre said...

I love this clock! What a great idea. They must love it. Thanks for linking to tickled pink (this tickles me pink)

Anonymous said...

Staci!!!!!!!!!!WE do LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Thanks so much. can't wait to hang it up and invite you over to see your awesome amazing work. Love you more than your awesome clocks.