I made my mother-in-law a charm bracelet for Mother's Day & here is a little HOW TO...
I could NOT find an actual charm bracelet ANYWHERE where you can just stick the photos in. I know I have seen them before, but no luck this year.
So I went to Hobby Lobby & looked around their jewelry section and found a silver bracelet & then found some circle charms, that I figured I could put a picture in...
I made sure to buy a bracelet, that I could easily attach charms to & then I attached using little silver jump rings...
Once attached, I just found the pictures I wanted to use, cropped them so it was just the head & pasted them in Microsoft Word. Then I made them small. I first printed ONE in 3 different sizes. Then when I knew which size worked, I inserted on the pictures & made them all the same size as the one that worked.
NOW...I KNOW some of you are laughing. I'm SURE there is an EASY way to do this in photoshop, but I'm not very good on the computer, but I can handle WORD & that is about it!
Once they were printed, I traced a circle around the heads & cut out with scissors. Then I glued the pictures inside the charms & coated with a layer of Mod Podge, to seal the picture inside.
I attached a couple of extras, so that as she gets more grandkids, more kids can be added & it was an EASY, THOUGHTFUL gift!!!

SO cute!! I gave you an award!
What a great gift for Grandma! Well done! Thanks for sharing and see you next week! Rory
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